Learn About Giving Securities, Shares, Mutual Funds

More than $14M of $18M raised!

Learn About Giving Securities, Shares, Mutual Funds

Gifting securities, shares, and mutual funds can save taxes - and make an impact.

For gifts of securities, there is favourable tax treatment related to the taxable portion of a capital gain. If you are considering making a gift, you may want to consider a gift of appreciated securities. Anyone considering this type of gift should consult their professional advisors before proceeding. When assets are gifted, a capital gain may result. However, if you transfer shares directly to the WDMH Foundation, you don’t pay any capital gains and you’ll receive a charitable income tax receipt for the amount of what the shares are valued at when they settle into the WDMH Foundation’s account.

For gifts of securities, please download our Letter of Intent here.  This form should be completed by your broker, with a copy sent to the WDMH Foundation to ekapcala@wdmh.on.ca, and a copy sent to our broker (as noted on the form).

For gifts of mutual funds, please download our Letter of Intent here. This form should be completed by your broker, with a copy sent to the WDMH Foundation to ekapcala@wdmh.on.ca, and a copy sent to our broker (as noted on the form).

If you are interested in receiving more information, please reach out to Erin Kapcala, Manager of Major and Planned Giving at 613-292-7468 ekapcala@wdmh.on.ca.
We encourage you to discuss your plans with your family, your advisors, and with us.

This information, obtained from various sources, is believed to be reliable, but its accuracy cannot be guaranteed. This information is not intended as legal, financial, or tax planning advice. When considering any planned or legacy gift, you should always consult your professional advisors to determine the applicability for your specific circumstances.

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