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Dundas Manor Salutes Long-Time Volunteer Earl Windsor

On March 3rd, the entire Dundas Manor family joined together to celebrate volunteer Earl Windsor. Earl was recently awarded the 2022 Ontario Senior Achievement Award for his dedication to volunteering.

Earl is a dedicated and loving volunteer six days/week in our home assisting residents in our dining room.

Earl is one of 16 outstanding seniors who received the award this year. Most were presented with their award in Toronto, but Earl chose to celebrate in Winchester with his Dundas Manor family.

In their nomination, the Dundas Manor team noted Earl has volunteered six days a week for the last five years. “No matter the temperature or the weather outdoors, Earl always shows up with a smile, helping to clear tables in the dining room, making sure residents get a warm coffee, an extra piece of toast, and an update on the local weather, sports, and news. He knows and loves all the staff team and every resident with whom he interacts. He also participates in staff appreciation activities and community gatherings.”

“We were thrilled to have Earl’s own family members, local media and politicians join us on this special day,” noted Jennifer Hill, Activity Programs & Services Director. “It was a black-tie event for all those participating, and ladies received a colourful corsage. Everyone also went home with a ‘seeds of kindness’ gift to celebrate the special day.”

“Thank you, Earl for all you do for our residents and our home. You are part of our family and the definition of a kind, caring, and humble gentleman volunteering in the service of others,” added Administrator Susan Poirier.

Earl says he just tries to brighten the day up for Dundas Manor residents – and he definitely does!

Mayor Tony Fraser was on hand to present Earl with special recognition and a certificate from North Dundas.

The achievement award was presented to Earl Windsor (at left) by (l-r): Ella Trolly, Jennifer Hill, Susan Poirier and Hennie Joldersma.

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