Sapphires & Snowflakes Guests Give More than $168,000 for the new Dundas Manor!
Matilda Hall in Dixon’s Corners was a sea of blue, white and silver on November 18th – with both the guests and the decorations getting into the spirit for Sapphires & Snowflakes in support of the new Dundas Manor.
“We wanted everyone to have a great time and I think they did,” noted Nancy Farley Holmes, MC for the event and Co-Chair of the Expanding the Circle of Compassionate Care campaign. “There was a lot of laughter as guests enjoyed inspiring presentations, delicious charcuterie boards, live auctions, raffles and great entertainment by comedy and singing duo Bowser & Blue — all in support of the new Dundas Manor.”
By the end of the evening, more than $168,000 had been raised to help build the new home!
Honourary Chairs Eric Duncan and Bea Wigney spoke about the importance of this type of community support. Bea shared stories of friends and family who have received wonderful care at Dundas Manor, including her sister and brother-in-law. “It’s second to none,” she said.
A highlight of the evening was a moving speech by Dundas Manor’s Activity Programs and Services Director Jennifer Hill. Jennifer has worked at the Manor for 29 years and shared incredible memories that had everyone laughing – and shedding a few tears. Her presentation was followed by a Fund-A-Need Auction that raised $105,000 to help furnish four living rooms in the new home.
“We are so grateful for everyone’s support including our wonderful volunteers and sponsors,” summed up Campaign Assistant Cindy Peter. “We have an amazing community that is always there to support health care close to home – and they showed that again at Sapphires & Snowflakes! And now we are even closer to our $18 million campaign goal with more than $12M raised to date. Thank you!”
For more information about the Expanding the Circle of Compassionate Care campaign, please visit or contact the WDMH Foundation team at 613-774-2422 ext. 6162 or 6169.